Outreach Programs
Due to COVID-19, our outreach programs have been temporarily postponed. We look forward to your participation in the near future.
Sew N Sews
Sew N Sews is a friendly group that meets at Chapel by the Sea every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Room 5 of Silver Hall. The group enjoys sewing, knitting, crocheting and other crafting to help those in need. Many of their creations go to low income daycare centers, the homeless, the Immokalee farm workers and their families, shut-ins, nursing home residents and others in need. Sew N Sews is open to everyone in the community. Even if you don't sew or aren't crafty, stop by for some fun and fellowship.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. With volunteer labor and donations, Habitat of Lee County has provided homes for over 1,300 families since 1979. Chapel has been involved since the beginning; contributing both financially and with a volunteer work crew siding more than five houses each year. Volunteers gather each Thursday (mid-November thru April) to build homes for local residents. The Church bus departs from Chapel at 7:30 a.m. and returns at approximately 3:30 p.m. Please pack your own lunch, snack and drinks. No experience or special tools are required, just a willingness to get involved.
Mision Peniel Farm Worker Ministry
This is a ministry of compassion, self-development, and justice that is provided by Peace River Presbytery. Self-development is promoted with classes in English and Spanish, job development, and advocating for support of farm workers and the poor. Our Sew N Sews provide handmade children's clothing.
Sisters In Spirit (SIS)
SIS is a diverse group of women who support Chapel by the Sea through a variety of social, religious, cultural, educational and civic programs. These programs benefit women, the church and the larger beach community. Their goals are to provide programming to foster friendships among our sisters, encourage personal growth, promote opportunities for learning and spiritual growth, and provide volunteer opportunities in our community. SIS meets the second Tuesday of every month at various locations throughout the beach community as well as off-island.
Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
Chapel partners with Samaritan's Purse to provide shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and clothing to bring Christmas joy to needy children worldwide. Each year over 11 million boys and girls receive these gifts which are a tangible expression of God's love.