Monthly Spaghetti Dinners
Dinners are held the 2nd Saturday of each month, October through July. Menu items are homemade by our church volunteers including Chef Mama Chapeletti’s famous sauce, hundreds of hand-rolled meatballs and freshly baked brownies.
Community-Wide Programs
Throughout the year, Chapel hosts a number of programs and activities for families with children. These events provide a fun atmosphere and are filled with games, crafts and good food!
Celebrate With Cake
On the second Sunday of each month Chapel will celebrate everyone's birthday in that month. The Pastor will announce the names during the worship service; then we will serve a special birthday cake during Fellowship Hour. For a complete list of monthly birthdays, refer to the weekly E-Blast. If your birthday does not appear on that list, notify the office at or (239) 463-3173 so that we may enter your birthday date into the data system.
Holiday/Seasonal Picnics
& Luncheons
Picnics & luncheons are held on the Sunday of the holiday weekend such as Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. We also have seasonal luncheons, such as Apple Sunday in the fall and Summer Picnics. Following Worship Service, everyone gathers in the fellowship hall for “picnic” foods, games and contests. Don’t miss the chance to participate in the pie eating or watermelon seed spitting contests.
Communion Sunday Luncheons
The first Sunday of each month we have a Communion Luncheon. All are welcome to enjoy lunch and fellowship after the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service!
Reformation Sunday,
On the last Sunday of the month during worship, we recognize our Scottish Heritage of the Presbyterian denomination known as “The Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan.”
As part of the celebration, a member of the Lee County Pipes & Drums shares his artistry of bag-piping with the familiar tunes of Scotland the Brave and Amazing Grace.The Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan is a celebration of Presbyterian roots, going back to the Scottish Reformation of the 16th century. At that time, the Scottish people expressed their family heritage by the wearing a specific plaid cloth known as a clan tartan. Following service, we gather in Silver Hall for coffee hour to partake of some traditional Scottish desserts. Wear your family colors or kilt and/or bring a dessert reflecting memories of your Scottish roots.